Generické domény

.xxx gTLD - Adult websites
.biz gTLD - Bussiness
.com gTLD - Commercional
.cat gTLD - In Catalian
.info gTLD - Informations
.name gTLD - Names
.net gTLD - Network
.org gTLD - Organisation
.pro gTLD - Professionals
.tel GTLD - Telecomunications
.travel gTLD - Travel sites
.mobi Mobil sites

Evropské domény

TLD Stát
.al Albania Albania
.ad Andorra
.at Austria Austria Austria
.by Belarus
.be Belgium
.ba Bosnia And Herzegovina
.bg Bulgaria Croatia
.hr Croatia Croatia Cyprus
.cz Czech Republic Czech Republic
.dk Denmark
.es Espanol Espanol
.ee Estonia Estonia
.eu European Union Europen Union - Alternative
.fr France
.ge Georgia
.de Germany Germany - Alternative
.gr Greece Greece Greece - Alternative
.gl Greenland Greenland Greenland Greenland Greenland
.gg Guernsey
.hu Hungary Hungary Hungary - Alternative Hungary - Alternative
.is Iceland
.im Isle of Man
.it Italy
.je Jersey
.lv Latvia
.li Liechtenstein
.lt Lithuania
.lu Luxembourg
.mk Makedonia Makedonia
.md Moldova
.me Montenegro
.nl Netherland Netherland - Alternative
.no Norway Norway - Alternative Norway - Alternative
.pl Poland Poland
.pt Portugal Portugal Portugal
.ro Romania
.ru Russia
.su Russia
.рф Russia Russia - Alternative
.rs Serbia Serbia
.sk Slovakia
.si Slovenia
.se Sweden Sweden - Alternative Sweden - Alternative
.ch Switzerland
.ua Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom - Alternative United Kingdom - Alternative United Kingdom - Alternative United Kingdom - Alternative United States - Alternative

Světové domény

K dispozici je cca 200 TLD domén Asie, Severní Ameriky, Jižní Ameriky, Austrálie, Asie a Afriky. V případě zájmu nás kontaktujte.